Arizona statutes of limitations govern the time in which certain causes of action may be maintained. This means that you only have a certain period of time in which to sue someone. If you sue too late, your claim will be forever barred and you will not be able to obtain any relief. Many (but not all) Arizona statutes of limitations are found in Chapter 5 of Title 12 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. Experienced Prescott AZ lawyers know to check the statute of limitations.
Under certain circumstances, a limitations period may be tolled. This means that the time period stops running during the tolling period. The result is that the time period is extended. Tolling may occur if a person is absent from the state, is a minor, or is of unsound mind.
Here is a list of some of the Arizona statutes of limitations:
Article 1 General Provisions
12-501 Effect of absence from state
12-502 Effect of minority or insanity
12-503 Tacking of disabilities prohibited
12-504 Saving of action timely commenced; defense or counterclaim; improper plaintiff; applicability
12-505 Effect of statute changing limitation
12-506 Action barred by foreign statute of limitation, bankruptcy or insolvency
12-507 Action against person removing to this state
12-508 Effect of acknowledgment upon barred action
12-509 Presumption of death from five-year absence; restoration of estate recovered upon presumption
12-510 Exemption of state from limitations
12-511 Civil action arising from criminal conduct; definitions
Article 2 Real Actions
12-521 Definitions
12-522 Real property claimed only by right of possession; two-year limitation
12-523 Real property in adverse possession under title or color of title; three-year limitation
12-524 City lot claimed under a recorded deed; five-year limitation
12-525 Real property in adverse possession and use under duly recorded deed with possessor paying taxes; five-year limitation; exception
12-526 Real property in adverse possession and use by possessor; ten-year limitation; limit of area; fixing of boundaries under duly recorded memorandum of title
12-527 Effect of limitation on title
12-528 Persons under disability
12-529 Defenses available for certain actions by the state or person claiming through the state
Article 3 Personal Actions
12-541 Malicious prosecution; false imprisonment; libel or slander; seduction or breach of promise of marriage; breach of employment contract; wrongful termination; liability created by statute; one-year limitation
12-542 Injury to person; injury when death ensues; injury to property; conversion of property; forcible entry and forcible detainer; two-year limitation
12-543 Oral debt; stated or open account; relief on ground of fraud or mistake; three-year limitation
12-544 Bond to convey realty; partnership account; account between merchants; judgment or instrument given or made without the state; four-year limitation
12-545 Bond of personal representative or guardian; four-year limitation
12-546 Specific performance of contract to convey realty; four-year limitation
12-547 Failure to make return on execution; five-year limitation
12-548 Contract in writing for debt; six-year limitation
12-549 Foreign judgment
12-550 General limitation
12-551 Product liability
12-552 Actions involving development of real property design, engineering and construction of improvements
12-553 Limited liability of equine owners and owners of equine facilities; exception; definitions
12-554 Limited liability; baseball facilities; definitions
12-555 Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage; claims; time limits
12-556 Limited liability; closed-course motorsport facility owners, lessors, and operators; definitions