Legal Advice & Assistance
The fee for an initial consultation is $150.00 and is scheduled for a half hour (but may last longer if the circumstances warrant it).
To get legal advice and/or assistance please follow these instructions.
This will give the lawyer the information needed to help you.
The lawyer must prepare before the consultation.
Please read ALL instructions carefully before starting:
1. Right-Click on this “Initial Consult” link to download, fill out, and e-mail to:
You may also deposit the forms in the mailbox hanging on the wall outside the front door to the office at 1027 Fair Street, Suite A, Prescott, Arizona 86305.
After your information and documents are reviewed, a response to your e-mail will be sent to you, with additonal forms for you to fill out and return to GoodmanLaw.
After those forms are reviewed, a consultation will be scheduled if one is appropriate. You must return the completely filled forms as soon as possible.
You must then pay the consult fee of $150.00 to reserve the appointment date and time.
You may pay, online, using the Payments link at the top of the page or by sending a check to GoodmanLaw, PO Box 2489, Prescott, AZ 86302-2489.
E-mail may not be confidential.
The consult fee may be applied to the fee for the preparation of Wills, Trusts, or Powers of Attorney, depending upon the circumstances.

Fair Street office