Map & Directions:

Our office is located on Fair Street next to the Yavapai County Recorder and the Fair Grounds.

Directions: On Miller Valley Rd, turn West onto Fair St. Turn into the small south side parking lot between the Rodeo grounds and the Yavapai County Recorder


Generally, our office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time, Mondays through Fridays. We are closed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and the Friday after Thanksgiving. During the noon hour, the office may be closed. We also close on official Arizona state holidays, which are set forth in Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 1-301A:

The following days shall be holidays:
Sunday of each week.
January 1, “New Year’s Day”
Third Monday in January, “Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day”
Third Monday in February, “Lincoln/Washington Presidents’ Day”
Second Sunday in May, “Mothers’ Day”
Last Monday in May, “Memorial Day”
Third Sunday in June, “Fathers’ Day”
July 4, “Independence Day”
First Sunday in August, “American Family Day”
First Monday in September, “Labor Day”
September 17, “Constitution Commemoration Day”
Second Monday in October, “Columbus Day”
November 11, “Veterans’ Day”
Fourth Thursday in November, “Thanksgiving Day”
December 25, “Christmas Day”
By state law, the “Constitution Commemoration Day” holiday is always celebrated on a Sunday. It is the practice of the firm to work on the Veterans’ Day holiday in exchange for taking the day after Thanksgiving off. Thus, even though Veterans’ Day is a state holiday, it is not a day off work and the day after Thanksgiving is taken as a day off work instead.  Although we do not close the office on Veterans’ Day, we always pay homage and respect to those who have dutifully served in our country’s armed forces. We thank veterans for the liberty and freedom they have given us. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to protect America and to preserve our liberties and freedom.
Experienced, Prescott, Arizona wrongful death, fatal accident, probate, quiet title, real estate and business lawyer.


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Solicitations will be deleted without review. Do not use this form to try to sell anything. Submitting your information to us through email, fax, or U.S. Mail does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Information submitted to us before we have agreed in writing to undertake representation is not confidential, not subject to attorney-client privilege, and will not preclude this law firm from representing a different client in the same legal matter. We do not represent you until we agree in writing to represent you AND you and we both sign a Fee Agreement. Please do not send us any confidential information about your case until we have agreed to representation.